
Diagramas geológicos en malla isométrica de 1950

Les compartimos aquí en Itsmo -el cuaderno de anotaciones de Archipiélago-, algunas láminas del archivo del United States Geological Survey USGS; lsometric Fence Geological Diagrams de 1950 a 1970’s. 💎 ¿Como fundir cortes y plantas para representar la condición de campo de un objeto de estudio de manera tridimensional en dos dimensiones?. Le compartimos estas maravillas.

Isometric fence diagram of the belvidere mountain area
Isometric fence diagram illustrating structural relations of the intrusions on Mount Ellsworth and Mount Holmes
Isometric fence diagram illustrating structural relations of the intrusions on Mount Fennell
Geologic map and sections of Shoshone mountains, Nevada
Isometric fence diagram illustrating structural relations of the intrusions on Mount Hillers
Isometric projections northwestern Pilot Mountains, Nevada
Isometric fence diagram illustrating structural relations of the intrusions on Mount Ellen
Isometric fence diagram and cross sections of the Catas Altas Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Isometric fence diagram and cross sections of the Santa Rita Durao Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Isometric fence diagram and cross sections of the Capanema Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Fence diagram of part of the northern Elkhorn Mountains, Montana
Isometric drawing of geologic sections of the little Hatchet Mountains, New Mexico
Isometric fence diagram showing structural relations of thrust blocks of the Sierra Madre province and foreland of the Diablo plateau area from the southern Quitman Mountains to northeast of Devil ridge, Texas

Y de regalo, una hermosa galería de bloques isométricos geológicos del mismo archivo de montañas, vetas minerales y minas.

Para volver por último a las maravillas 2D de siempre; mapas y cortes geológicos a color de montañas, valles y minas subterráneas.

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